Modular Kitchen

Modular Kitchen is factory made. Furniture with a wide storage options & functional hardware & accessories.

Modular Kitchen is customized as per individual’s need & available space. Functionally, any Modular Kitchen will need few basic appliances & accessories as shown in image slider –

However, the selection of accessory & appliance shall depend on space available & budget allocated for.

Modular Kitchen can be dismantled & reassembled as you move from one place to another.

Modular kitchen design is based on the space & needs of individuals & can be designed in different size & shapes.

DNB interiors stays on the Top when it comes to Best Modular Kitchen Manufacturer In Ghaziabad india.

The straight kitchen is designed on a single wall to accommodate all your needs due to the space constraint to fit in all your functional needs. This is normally for a small family & for a Studio Apartment.

These are mostly designed when the kitchen room has one entry & an exit on the other side for a balcony or the wash area. Here, normally one wall is used for cooking & the other for storage, appliances & washing. It is most suited for Indian Kitchen as the fireplace & the wash area ( water) are not close. It is normally well lighted & a cooking delight for the lady of the house. Parallel Kitchen Designs at Best Modular kitchen manufacturerDNB interiors

A Ushaped Kitchen has three walls lined with cabinetry, appliances units. It has a lot of storage space, yet the appliances, cooking & wash area are within reach.

The biggest advantage of this kitchen is that you are not disconnected with the family / guest. You are free to interact & invite your family & guest to be with you as you have the place to sit while preparing food. Get your I Land Kitchen from Top Modular kitchen manufacturer in Ghaziabad, India.

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    Modular Kitchen and Wardrobe Design at Arihant, Yojna Vihar, New Delhi